April 13-14, 2023
CRDF Global, with support from the U.S. Department of State, and in partnership with the Kosciuszko Institute, will host an in-person, two-day conference that will address best practices on developing and implementing national frameworks and cybersecurity strategies, lessons learned from cyber-attacks, improving data protection in the public and private sectors to prevent theft of intellectual property, and best practices for identifying cybersecurity vulnerabilities and recognizing cyber intrusions and supply chain disruptions.
The conference will run over two days in Warsaw, Poland on 13-14 April 2023, and will focus on the threats to economic and national security related to malicious intervention in critical components of the cyber supply chain and critical technology infrastructure. This event will enable the sharing of cybersecurity expertise, strategies, and lessons learned from the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, Georgia, Romania, Croatia, and Ukraine on preventing, detecting, and responding to the cybertheft of research, data, intellectual property, and technologies considered critical and dual-use. Through panels, presentations, and workshop sessions, the conference will increase knowledge and awareness of specific cyberthreats, foster dialogue between key stakeholders across sectors and multiple countries, and support practical steps that address threats to the research and technology sectors.
Additionally, the conference will introduce an online “Cyber Supply Chain Security and Due Diligence Training Course” for eligible institutions. The course will build on the sessions introduced during the conference. Access to the course will be provided following the conference.
The theft of critical and potentially weaponizable technologies represents one of the greatest challenges to security, economic prosperity, and the open flow of research and science in Europe. Research institutions, universities, and the private sector face increasing threats of cyberattacks every year, with the greatest threat coming from foreign governments sponsoring cyber actors to steal sensitive data, research, and intellectual property (IP). This conference will foster dialogue between relevant stakeholders in the attending countries on these critical issues.
This conference is well suited for government officials, scientists, researchers, corporate leadership, IT and cybersecurity professionals, and other relevant personnel working at institutions dealing with critical, sensitive, and potentially dual-use data including artificial intelligence and machine learning, biotechnology, microelectronics, and high-performance computing who are potentially vulnerable to cyber-attacks and theft. The conference is structured specifically for institutions in Poland, Georgia, Romania, Croatia, and Ukraine and will feature leading experts and speakers from the U.S., UK, and EU.
This Conference is free of charge to participants. For approved participants not located in the Warsaw area, CRDF Global may be able to provide qualifying expenses including:
- Lodging
- Daily per diem
- Transportation
Full list of speakers can be found here:
What You Will Gain
Understanding of the best practices for developing and implementing national frameworks and cybersecurity strategies, lessons learned from cyber-attacks and improving data protection in the public and private sectors to prevent theft of technology.
Greater awareness of threats to identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities and to recognize cyber intrusions and supply chain disruptions.
Broader understanding of the importance of cooperation between IT security, compliance, and procurements to prevent supply chain attacks.
Broad understanding of institutional best practices to combat a wide range of threats from technology acquisition, predatory collaborations, and cyber-attacks or infiltrations.
Participants will be able to identify security gaps and exploitation points to prevent the infiltration of computer systems that contain dual-use intellectual property.
Participants will return to their home institutions with identified next steps to take to protect their institution and research capital.
The opportunity to network with colleagues from across the research security, critical technology, and cybersecurity sectors.
A Certificate of Participation.
Key Speakers
Dr. Eric J. Novotny
Co-developer of the “Cyber Supply Chain Security and Due Diligence Training Course,” former President of the Faculty and Hurst Memorial Senior Professorial Lecturer at the American University, Washington, DC, and founding director of the graduate program in cybersecurity.
Dr. Emil Simion
Dr. Emil Simion is associate professor at University Politehnica of Bucharest where he is the coordinator of the master program Theory of Coding and Storage of Information.
Oleh Derevianko
Co-founder, Chairman, and Chief Vision Officer of Information Systems Security Partners, Ukraine.
Zlatan Moric
Head of Cyber Security Department, Algebra University, Croatia.
Michał Kanownik
President of Digital Poland Association, Poland.
Agnieszka Wachowska
Attorney-at-law, Traple Konarski Podrecki & Partners Law, Poland.
Vladimer Svanadze
Chairman of the Board, Internet Development Initiative, Georgia.
* Additional speakers will be added as confirmed.