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Secure and Sustainable Infrastructure Program

Funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureaus of South and Central Asian Affairs and East Asia Pacific Affairs

The Secure and Sustainable Infrastructure Program (SSIP) consists of four (4) two-week projects in which professionals will travel to the U.S. to meet their professional counterparts in the thematic areas of “Ports” or “Clean Energy". The program, part of the Quad Infrastructure Fellowship, aims to build and strengthen a professional network of renewable energy and port specialists throughout South and Central Asia and East Asia and the Pacific region by sharing best practices in infrastructure design and management.  


SSIP projects will consist of two topics, Clean Energy and Ports. There will be two projects focused on either topic:

Clean Energy (May 4th - 18th & July 13th - 27th)

  • Prepare leaders in participating countries to make educated choices on their infrastructure development decisions; 
  • Facilitate the transfer of clean energy technologies throughout participating countries; and 
  • Increase participants’ awareness of infrastructure projects’ vulnerability to cyberattack and build their capacity to ensure that infrastructure projects are well guarded against such threats. 

Ports (June 8th - 22nd & August 17th - 31st)

  • Prepare leaders in participating countries to make educated choices on their infrastructure development decisions; 
  • Facilitate the transfer of innovative port management practices throughout participating countries; and 
  • Increase participants’ awareness of infrastructure projects’ vulnerability to cyberattack and build their capacity to ensure that infrastructure projects are well guarded against such threats. 

Areas of Impact

SSIP areas of impact
Participant Spotlight
Cohort One: Clean Energy
May 4th - 18th, 2024

Mohammad Maksud Alam
Mohammad Maksud Alam
Director General, Department of Shipping
Waisale Vulagi
Waisale Vulagi
Senior Scientific Officer, Renewable Energy Development Plan (REDP),
Fiji Department of Energy
Headshot - Makitalena Tudrau Drova
Makitalena Tudrau Drova
Acting Technical and Operations General Manager,
Land Transport Authority
of Fiji (LTA)
Headshot - Very Fernando
Very Fernando
Analyst, Information Technology Department
National Electric Power Company
Headshot - Deepak Kumar Rauniar
Deepak Kumar Rauniar
Chief Executive Officer,
Blocorbit Pvt. Ltd
Headshot - Unnati Amatya
Unnati Amatya
Senior Associate, Commercial Department
Abhinawa Law Chambers
Headshot - Leny Etcoy
Leny Etcoy
Senior Science Research Specialist,
Department of Energy
Headshot - Bulathgama Wedage Athula Bulathgama (1)
Bulatahgama Wedage Athula Bulathgama
Director of Resource Mapping,
Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority
Sri Lanka

Cohort Two: Ports
June 8th - 22nd, 2024
Headshot - Abdullah Al Mehedee

Abdullah Al Mehedee

Chief Security Officer and Port Security Officer  Mongla Port Authority, Ministry of Shipping


vivek mishra

Vivek Mishra

Fellow, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)



Headshot - KiranGowda

Kiran Gowda K S 

Transport Sector Advisor, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI)


Pooja Bhatt

Pooja Bhatt

Visiting Fellow, Indo-Pacific Center, Centre for Air Power Studies



Azis Kasim Djou

Azis Kasim Djou

Head of Port Division, Department of Transportation,  Government of Riau Island Province


Rosario Germano

Rosario Germano

Information Systems Researcher and Helpdesk Team Leader, Philippine Ports Authority


Headshot - Capt. Harsha Sandamal Weerasuriya (SIU-SLPA)

Harsha Sandamal Weerasuriya

Head of Special Investigations and Acting Deputy Chief Security Manager, Sri Lanka Ports Authority

Sri Lanka


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The Secure and Sustainable Infrastructure Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by CRDF Global.

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Established in 1995, CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that advances security, health, and economic progress by mitigating threats and enhancing opportunities through science, innovation, and collaboration.