Compliance Workshop:
Strengthening Due-Diligence Practices in Türkiye’s High-Tech Component Machine Tools Industry

Monday, 09 September 2024
Location: Istanbul  | Fairmont Quasar İstanbul 

Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Location: Izmir  | Hyatt Regency İzmir İstinyepark

CRDF Global and PwC Belgium, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State, are pleased to host a series of in-person workshops in Türkiye on industry compliance, dual-use goods and Advanced Conventional Weapons (ACW) regulation, and Russian and Belarusian sanctions awareness for private sector Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) Machine Tool companies, manufacturers, exporters, and other relevant stakeholders.
Topics covered will include:
  • International sanctions and high-tech component export control awareness and compliance best practices;
  • Due diligence and end-user identification;
  • Corporate risks of doing business with Russia;
  • Screening methods for ensuring supply chain integrity.
Registration is closed. Approved attendees will be contacted shortly with registration confirmation and event logistics information. Please note that non-registered/approved attendees will not be admitted to participate. 


Despite strict export controls and the imposition of sanctions in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russia continues to procure dual-use high-tech goods originating in Western countries and Türkiye that can be used for military purposes, including Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machine tools. In particular, Russia seeks to exploit Türkiye as a key transshipment hub to divert EU-produced CNC machine tools onward for delivery to Russia. The misuse of technology for military purposes and loopholes in supply chain due diligence enables state proliferators such as Russia to wage war in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the evasion of regulations and sanctions - intentional or otherwise - poses a significant business risk to Turkish companies and logistics providers. Russian evasion attempts can expose machine tool companies to regulatory backlash, potentially including secondary sanctions and reputational damage. 

In order to mitigate those risks and bolster compliance best practices, CRDF Global is pleased to provide this training series at no cost for eligible participants.  Participating in this training will arm you with specific knowledge to defend your organization from fiscal uncertainty, secondary sanctions, and reputational risk.

Separate dates are offered for the following locations: 

  • Monday, 09 September 2024:    İstanbul Training
  • Wednesday, 11 September 2024:       İzmir Training
Each training consists of an identical, full-day course focused on the agenda topics featured below. Participants only need to complete one training.


Who Should Attend?

Private sector professionals from the Turkish machine tool sector:

  • To include: Machine tool companies, manufacturers, exporters, related associations, logistics providers, and similar stakeholders.
  • From: Businesses from Istanbul and Izmir.
  • *Non-Turkish citizens will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Passport or national ID number required for security review.

Free Registration and Participation

This training is offered free of charge. As space is limited, early registration is highly encouraged. Please register here or contact Ms. Aysel Bakhishova at to indicate your interest in attending the training. After receipt of your registration request, CRDF Global will confirm via email if you have been accepted for participation.  

Participants selected for the workshop will be expected to abide by CRDF Global's Code of Conduct. If you are invited, please familiarize yourself with its contents prior to your attendance.

View our full data privacy policy statement here:



These trainings are hosted in partnership with: 



What You Will Gain

  • The event will help participants evaluate, screen, and conduct due diligence best practices during business transactions

  • Access to experts to develop specific strategies to reduce secondary sanctions and reputational risk

  • In-depth case studies on machine tool sector sanctions evasion and the misuse of high-tech components

  • The ability to make informed decisions in the field and incorporate world-class due diligence standards into practical work

  • A Certificate of Completion

Workshop Hosts


PwC collaborates with institutions to help protect the financial system from financial crime. With our industry knowledge, technological skill set and operational experience, we help our clients build trust in society by collaborating with them to fulfill their regulatory obligations.

We provide financial crime solutions using a Managed Services model built around cutting-edge technologies including data analytics, robotic process automation and artificial intelligence. PwC Managed Services is deeper than a traditional outsourcing relationship, providing complex, long-term solutions in areas that require human judgment and subject matter expertise.

Learn more about us at


CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that provides international training and capacity building programming to advance safety, security, health, and prosperity. We promote international research integrity and knowledge security, data and IP protection, and cyber and information security globally. We partner with government agencies, academia, and the private sector to strengthen connectivity among experts and tailor the application of international best practices that allow for transparent scientific discovery and applications of research and technology.

With offices in Arlington, VA; Kyiv, Ukraine; Manila, Philippines; Almaty, Kazakhstan; and Amman, Jordan, our diverse staff and networks of local stakeholders deliver tailored programs to mitigate threats and advance peace and security every day.

Learn more about us at