The Joint 24th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program (USJCMSP) in collaboration with the 2nd International Symposium for Infectious Diseases Research Institutes Cooperation (IDRIC)

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Event Details
When | March 5-8, 2024.
Location | Grand Hyatt Incheon, 208 Yeongjonghaeannam-ro, 321 Beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon, South Korea, 22382
The U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program (USJCMSP) was established in 1965 to address public health issues in the Asia-Pacific region. For over 50 years, the program remains active and continues to focus on enhancing and fostering collaborations between U.S., Japanese, and other researchers in the region. In 1996, the USJCMSP pioneered the “International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) in the Pacific Rim”.
The focus of the USJCMSP 24th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases is on viral diseases of importance in the Asia-Pacific region. The objectives of this conference are to share current research findings and foster existing and potential international research collaborations that engage investigators and institutions in the Asia-Pacific region and the United States. The theme of this year’s meeting is pandemic preparedness and the rapid emergence of pathogens caused by global environment change. Discussions and presentations will be conducted through plenary sessions and also panel/board breakout sessions led by U.S., Japanese, and other researchers from the region. The conference will include a two-day EID plenary, followed by 1–2 day concurrent panel/board meetings for the following topics:
- Acute Respiratory Infections
- Hepatitis
- Immunology
- Cancer
- Viral Diseases