The Joint 24th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program (USJCMSP) in collaboration with the 2nd International Symposium for Infectious Diseases Research Institutes Cooperation (IDRIC)

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South Korea Travel Information
South Korea Electonic Travel Authorization (K-ETA)
- This needs to be completed for travelers from some countries to South Korea, including for instances of attending meetings and events or business trips.
- The application is 100% online and can be completed in a few minutes.
- Applicants can expect to hear back regarding status after two business days.
- Please find the link to the K-ETA here.
- Please note that 22 countries are not required to obtain the KETA. These countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Macao, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK, and US (including Guam).
Ground Transportation
- There is a complimentary shuttle from the Incheon Airport to the Grand Hyatt. The shuttle runs every 30 minutes. The pick-up and drop-off locations are listed below. For any inquiries regarding this shuttle, please contact the Guest Service Center at +82 32 745 1234.
- Incheon International Airport: Terminal 1, Gate 3C & Terminal 2, Gate 2A.
- Grand Hyatt West Tower Entrance.
- Uber is available and widely used.
- Taxis are available and generally safe. It is recommended to come to an agreed upon rate prior to arrival at the destination. Taxi drivers may not speak English, so it is a good idea to have directions written in Korean or a map available.
Lodging Options
- The Grand Hyatt Incheon
- To book a room at Grand Hyatt Incheon using the room block, please use think link: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/INCHE/G-EIGE.
Emergency Numbers
- Police: 112
- Fire and Ambulance: 119
- Medical Emergencies: 129
Currency Exchange
- The South Korean Won (KRW) is the official currency of South Korea.
- 1 USD = 1330 KRW according to xe.com on 1/24/2024.
- Tipping is not customary in Korea.
- Restaurants: oftentimes staff will decline tips, but there may be a tip jar in western restaurants due to the large number of international travelers, so if you are inclined to tip that is the most appropriate method.
- If you are planning to tip hotel staff, do so in an envelope and leave it with the front desk when checking out to be respectful.
- It is wise to not insist on tipping. If a tip is offered, it must be in local currency.