The Joint 24th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program (USJCMSP) in collaboration with the 2nd International Symposium for Infectious Diseases Research Institutes Cooperation (IDRIC)

Disclaimer: The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators at HHS-sponsored conferences do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
In-person Speaker Guidelines:
- Please upload your final presentation by February 26, 2024, either by clicking the 'Speaker Presentation Upload' button above or using this link. If you are having issues uploading a PowerPoint, email it to aking@crdfglobal.org.
- Please include the proper naming convention on the document when uploading it:
- Full name_Abstract/Presentation title_date of presentation_specific panel or plenary session
- Speakers should be in the meeting room at least 15 minutes before the start of their session (as a back-up, please also bring a copy of your presentation on a USB drive). If needed, a technical support staff member will be available to assist speakers with their presentation.
- At the beginning of your session, the co-moderators for the session will introduce themselves and then announce the title of the session and introduce the speakers and the title of their presentation.
- We ask that you please keep to your allotted time for your presentation. There will be a timekeeper to inform you when you have 5 minutes and 1 minute left for your presentation.
- At the end of your presentation, the co-moderators will open it up for discussion and questions (including questions submitted by participants joining online).
- *****Any changes to presentations or slides will not necessarily be accommodated by CRDF Global or the A/V team after the deadline to submit presentations has passed.
Virtual Speaker Guidelines:
- Please upload your final presentation by February 26, 2024.
- Please include the proper naming convention on the document when uploading it:
- Full name_Abstract/Presentation title_date of presentation_specific panel or plenary session
- Speakers should join the Zoom meeting at least 15 minutes before the start of their session to do a quick mic/speaker and video test check.
- When joining the Zoom meeting, please change your name to “first name, surname, organization (use abbreviation if it is long), and country” so that you can be identified and designated as a speaker.
- The AV team will have you share your screen to show your presentation, please inform the AV team if you need them to show your presentation for you.
- To reach out to the A/V team regarding this please contact the following individuals via email:
- Chloe Choi - chloe.choi@Encoreglobal.com.
- At the beginning of your session, the co-moderators for the session will introduce themselves and then announce the title of the session and introduce the speakers and the title of their presentation.
- We ask that you please keep to your allotted time for your presentation. There will be a timekeeper to inform you when you have 5 minutes and 1 minute left for your presentation.
- At the conclusion of your talk, the co-moderators will open it up for discussion and questions (including questions submitted by participants joining online).
- *****Any changes to presentations or slides will not necessarily be accommodated by CRDF Global or the A/V team after the deadline to submit presentations has passed.
- To reach out to the A/V team regarding this please contact the following individuals via email:
Moderator Guidelines
- Moderators should be in the meeting room venue at least 15 minutes before the start of their assigned session(s).
- At the beginning of the session, the co-moderators for that session will introduce themselves and then announce the title of the session and introduce the speakers and the title of their presentation.
- The two moderators will jointly facilitate the session and can decide how they would like to co-moderate the session (for example, they can choose to alternate/take turns introducing each speaker or half of the speakers in a session).
- There will be a timekeeper to inform speakers when they have 5 minutes and 1 minute left for their presentation.
- The moderators should facilitate the discussion/question and answer (Q&A) period and help facilitate questions if needed, including any questions via chat from the virtual participants.
- At the end of the session, the moderator should announce the next item on the meeting agenda (for example: break or a follow-on session).
- If there are any “housekeeping” items that need to be conveyed to the meeting participants, the USJCMSP Secretariat or other meeting organizers will notify the moderators.