The Joint 24th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim of the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program (USJCMSP) in collaboration with the 2nd International Symposium for Infectious Diseases Research Institutes Cooperation (IDRIC)

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Abstract Solicitation
Scientists interested in presenting a poster at this conference are invited to submit an abstract to be reviewed by the Scientific Planning Committee. Most abstracts through this call will be for poster presentations. If your abstract is selected, a copy of your abstract will be included in the conference program and electronically shared with the conference registrants. You will be responsible for your travel expenses to the conference.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
- Submit your abstract using the registration above.
- Please use the provided template.
- Indicate the research focus:
- Cancer
- Immunology
- Hepatitis
- Viral Diseases
- All abstracts must be in English. Only one abstract should be submitted per person.
- Abstract Title: Submit the title exactly as you would like it to appear in the program. Please make the title dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive.
- Structure: Abstracts should have the following identified sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
- Proofread: Please avoid the use of incomplete sentences and redundant phrases and be sure to check for any misspellings and other grammatical errors. Once you have submitted an abstract, you will not be able to go back and edit your entry. Abstracts may be edited for format and aesthetic style.
- Contributing Authors: Make sure to include any contributing authors and their institutions in the abstract.
- Length: Abstract text should be approximately 250 to 500 words. There is a 500-word limit.
- Formatting requirements: Adherence to formatting requirements is necessary to ensure readability and fairness.
- Font size: Must be 11 points or larger. Smaller text in figures, graphs, diagrams and charts is acceptable, as long as it is legible when the page is viewed at 100%.
- Font: The following fonts are recommended, although other fonts (both serif and non-serif) are acceptable:
- Arial
- Georgia
- Helvetica
- Palatino Linotype
Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis, with a final submission deadline of 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact CRDF Global POC, Annie King (aking@crdfglobal.org).